After getting her on the train, Deanna and I headed off to Leadenhall Market, where they filmed some of Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter movies:

Then we headed off to the dragons that mark the border of the City of London. The city most people think of as London is actually made up of 32 boroughs, and one is called the City of London (the capital C is very important). It is the site of the old Roman town and houses much of the financial district of London, but some of that is now moving out to Canary Wharf (in the Borough of Tower Hamlets (the same borough I'm in):

Then it was time for Deanna to take the picture everyone gets while in London:

We walked around some more and found the Australia House, which was yet another Harry Potter filming location, this time playing not the Australian Embassy, but the interior of Gringotts, the Wizard’s Bank. We couldn’t go in, but got this picture of the front:

Then it was to Trafalgar Square:

1) St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields

2) National Gallery

3) The Lions at the base of Nelson’s Column

Then we walked down the street to see the Horse Guards and their end of day dismounting ceremony:
1) Deanna with one of the Horse Guards

2) Dismounted Horse Guards

3) Inspection of the troops

That's it for now. Look for part 3 (and the last one) tomorrow.
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